TimberWolf Crossfit – St.Paul – CrossFit WOD
Back Squat Linear Progression (Weight)
5×5 Back Squat – No Failing!
If you aren’t sure you can stand up the next rep, don’t go down
Each time you do this, add 10# to your last lift.
If you do not achieve 23/25 reps, keep your weight the same next time.
If you fail to hit 23/25 reps twice at the same weight, reduce by 10% the next week and begin adding only 5# each week
Week 1 protocol:
Begin with an empty bar for 5 reps
Add weight for sets of 5 until the speed of the bar begins to slow (this will be lighter than you probably expect)
Complete 3 more sets of 5 at that weight and record
Back Squat (No Measure)
Pause Box Squat – 1 sec active pause at bottom
2 @ 72%
2 @ 72%
1 @ 76%
1 @ 76%
1 @ 76%
4×5 RDL @ 82% of max BS
4 Rounds for Time (Time)
4 rounds for time:
100ft broad jump
20 box jump overs (20″ / 16″)
Rx: Jump all the way over the box, do not land on top