Come join us for a short ruck Sunday after Oly. We will be going about 4 miles. Bring a bag/ruck, throw on a vest, or grab a sandbag to carry.
TimberWolf Crossfit – St.Paul – CrossFit WOD
Chin Up (Weight)
Within 10 minutes:
2 Chin up (supinated grip strict pull up)s Max Load
*add weight to find a 2 RM in 10 minutes
Bench Press
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
10 Barbell Bench Presses
*2 reps in reserve
“Sum of the Parts” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
25 minute AMRAP with partner:
60 double unders
15 American KB Swings 24/16kg
12 CTB pull ups
P1: performs amrap, P2 accumulates calories on EB
*Partners switch once 15/12 cals have been accumulated – score = amrap + cals (post cals in comments)
Extra Credit (Optional After Class Work)
Grip Endurance (Time)
Supinated Grip Deadhang – 3 x AMSAP set
Rest :30 after each time you fail before starting next set
Your Choice (Time)
Option 1 – Full effort, drop the hammer
Row 5K Time Trial
Option 2 – if you are tired, or not feeling a hard/max effort test, complete it at a 90% effort to set a baseline for progressions.
Broken 5k Time Trial
For time:
3k Row
Rest 1 min
1.5k Row
Rest 30 sec
500m Row
*Score is total working time.